Your Name: *

    Your Email: *

    Contact Phone: *

    Property Address: *

    Suburb: *

    Postcode: *

    Please tick one of the following 3 options:

    Previous Address: *

    Suburb: *

    New Address where bins are to be transferred to: *

    Suburb: *

    Bin Serial Numbers to be transferred: See white sticker on the side of the bin (if visible)

    Retrieval Date:

    Please arrange a retrieval of the following bins - tick appropriate box: *

    Number of Waste/Landfill Bins: *

    Number of Recycle Bins: *

    Number of Food and Garden Organics Bins: *

    I , agree to the Terms and Conditions of leasing (as detailed above) and understand the charges involved. I have read and understood my Council’s associated Policy. Tick here