East Waste collects waste, green organics, recyclables and hard rubbish from member councils and is committed to helping them improve their recycling and waste avoidance practices. Our services may be different across each council area, but our approach is the same – high quality, low cost waste and resource recovery services that respond to our community’s needs with minimal impact on the receiving environment.
What’s best for the environment?
Avoiding waste is the best option to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and demand on our natural resources. Reducing waste, reusing materials and recycling also use less energy and demand less of our natural resources than disposal. These principles of sustainable development and waste management are outlined in the waste management hierarchy. We follow these nationally and internationally recognised principles in our waste management practices. It is also the central focus of our ‘Why waste it?’ education campaign.
New Initiatives
We are always looking for ways to better serve our councils and their residents. East Waste is exploring the possibility of offering new or expanded services to help minimise waste, including:
- waste and recycling audits
- community education
- more efficient multi-unit dwelling waste and recycling collection
- enhanced at-call hard waste collection
- enhanced street bin (litter) collection.
Why waste it? Education Campaign
The Why waste it? campaign and supporting Which Bin? website was developed by East Waste and officially launched in March 2017 with a key focus on ways to avoid, reduce, reuse, recycle and compost materials (based on the waste hierarchy principals). The campaign also focuses on key contamination issues. This is also supported by a range of printed resources, bus shelter and street signage campaigns.
Due to the success and appeal of the campaign, Green Industries SA adopted the Which Bin? website in May 2019 and developed a new branded ‘Which Bin? Just ask Vin’ campaign.
East Waste has continued to work closely with Green Industries SA to develop key campaign messages, website content, weekly tips and printable resources which are now delivered to Councils across the state.
Education messages are aligned with priorities in diverting food waste. Eg. ‘Food scraps? Which Bin? Catch ‘em in a caddy. Feed ‘em to the Green Bin’
The use of bright colours, clear graphics, simple and clear ‘call to action’ messages along with the clever use of humour and catchy phrases, are all important elements in the success and appeal of the campaign. The use of clear and bold graphics also helps to overcome language barriers.
Messages also align and link with relevant national and international initiatives and events such as International Compost Awareness Week, Stop Food Waste Day, National Recycling Week and Plastic Free July.
Reinforcement of relevant key messages through repetition and continuity helps to build mental availability and build knowledge about best practice. These messages are promoting widely and through a multitude of promotional and advertising platforms including broad reach media with TV advertising through Green Industries SA’s Which Bin? ask Vin advertising campaign.

For more information on waste, recycling and our environment, visit: