Tips for disposing of nappies and other hygiene products

The move to weekly green FOGO (Food Organic and Garden Organics) collections and fortnightly landfill (red or blue) bin collections will help to divert significantly more food waste from landfills and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Some products including nappies and other hygiene products however can’t be recycled or turned into high quality compost and must still be placed in your landfill bin.

A fortnightly landfill bin service shouldn’t affect bin odour

A nappy trial undertaken by Lake Macquarie City Council found that the average odour of a landfill bin with nappy waste for a week was approximately the same as the average odour rating of a nappy bin the end of the fortnight.

The amount of nappies in the bin also did not have a significant effect on the odour rating of the bin.

If you are worried about the smell of nappies or other hygiene products in your landfill bin follow these tips:

  • Dispose of as much solid waste as possible into the toilet, before placing the nappy in the landfill bin
  • Wrap dirty nappies tightly in a nappy bag
  • Store your landfill bin in the shade
  • Make sure your lid closes properly
  • Place a small amount of odour control agent in the bottom of your bin to repel flies and odours. You can use natural products such as vinegar, eucalyptus/mint oils or crystals
  • Try cloth nappies and or reusable sanitary items.

Households with children in nappies or people who that have a medical condition requiring more landfill bin space may be eligible for larger (240L) red landfill bin.