If your Green (Food and Garden Organcis) Bin is not emptied, please leave it on the kerb for 24 hours before contacting East Waste’s Customer Service Team.

Due to the recent high rainfall we have experienced unprecedentedly high volumes and weights of green organic material being placed out for collection.

In comparison to June this year, the first two weeks of October saw:

  • A 21% increase in the presentation rate of Organics bins (this equates to approximately 6,500 bins/week)
  • Average organic bin weights increasing by 35%
  • Total tonnes collected increasing by over 60%
  • Additional 45-50 truckloads of Organics each week.
  • Typically our trucks can service around 450 organics bins per load before hitting maximum weight. Currently we have a number of runs where trucks are hitting weight with as few as 240 bins!

We apologise for the inconvenience and can assure you that we working as hard as we can to resolve this temporary situation. All Organics trucks are completing 3 loads of Organics each day (additional loads to the standard) and we are utilising all spare trucks with additional Drivers.  Thank you for your patience whilst we work towards resolving this.

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