East Waste will continue to provide kerbside collection services as per current on-going arrangements. This includes kerbside bin and hard waste collections.
As an essential service to its Member Councils and residents, East Waste has in place a number of practices and processes in response to the current environment that will ensure minimal impact to our kerbside collections. East Waste has maintained social distancing, staggered start times, truck disinfection and a number of other practices. However, despite this, we are starting to experience impacts on our workforce as a result of COVID cases and close contacts.
As a result, a reduced workforce is likely to result in some collection delays at times.
Whilst we will obviously do our best to ensure that there are minimal impacts we ask for your patience during these challenging times.
If your bins have not been collected please leave your bins out and we will collect them as soon as we can.
East Waste is working with relevant authorities across all levels of government and expertise to ensure our service levels are maintained. Any potential service level impacts have been planned for and contingency plans are in place to respond to any such impacts to ensure service levels continue.
PLEASE NOTE: We have limited customer service staff able to take calls at this time, due to our customer service staff working from home, so please direct any enquiries as per below:
To report a missed bin collection CLICK HERE
For all hard waste or mattress collection bookings CLICK HERE
For bin repairs or delivery CLICK HERE
For any other enquiries please email east@eastwaste.com. We will respond as soon as we can and appreciate your patience at this time!

As we may be working back at home again, more cars will be parked on the street. On bin collection day, please make sure that your bins are 1 metre from parked cars or other obstacles e.g. stobie poles, letterboxes, trees etc. or place your bins in your driveway for collection. This will minimise the risk of your bin being missed.
As always, we would encourage residents to learn more about how to recycle more and waste less, in doing so we also all save money. Please follow our educational and uplifting social media posts. Our social media, website and Member Council communication channels will also be used to notify residents if there are any changes to our collection services.
Not sure which bin to put things in?
As we are all taking increased precaution and preventative action against corona-🦠, we are using more gloves, face masks 😷 and cleaning products than ever before.
Takeaway has become the only option for us to ‘eat out,’ which has resulted in many more takeaway containers🥡 and cups being used.
For many of us, the increase in waste being generated is concerning.
Here are options for how to responsibly manage and dispose of these items.
🚮🛑 We can AVOID waste in the first place:
By #stayingathome 🏡 we can minimise the need to use face masks, gloves and hand sanitiser. Choose to use a reusable and washable cloth mask! You may even consider making your own face masks from old fabric or clothing that you have at home. Click here for instructions on a how to make your own.
Many takeaway food packaging items are compostable including pizza boxes, cardboard and paper food packaging. When ordering your takeaway, ask the cafe or restaurant if the items they are supplying are compostable. If so, you can place them in your green bin for composting, along with any unwanted food🍕🌯🍗🍔🍟💚♻️
Plastic takeaway food containers and cups can be recycled. Make sure they are empty and clean with lids removed.
Hand sanitiser bottles, household cleaner bottles and aerosol cans can also be recycled. Please remove the plastic lids and collect them in a clear plastic (PET) bottle for recycling.

#Covid19 #Whywasteit? #compost #food #greenbin #recycle #containers #yellowbin #waste #gloves #facemasks #handsanitiser #takeaway #WhichBin?